Thank you so much for the mention, Stephanie!! Absolutely love this inspiring post!

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You’re so welcome!! Thank you

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Hope you feel well soon 🤗

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Thank you. I actually feel better ever since my visit. Whatever medicine they gave me made me feel back to normal!

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"… I get caught up in the daily grind and I’m so busy helping others, I forget to see the signs in myself." I relate to this and the entire post so much....I have a similar issue with my back I'm working on healing and I know it's related to an emotion. Thank you for the shout out and for your wonderful inspiring work.

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It’s always such a revelation when our body speaks. We can believe we’ve done the work but there’s always another layer, there’s so much mystery beneath the surface just beckoning us to uncover it all.

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always another layer, another test.... the body is the best feedback system even when it stinks! Sorry to hear about your situation, I know that's not a fun experience.

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Actually, the doctor said it was FROM sitting. I was stunned because I thought I was pretty active aside from my writing work. So more yoga and time in nature is in order!

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I’m honestly so grateful for it. I NEEDED the kick in the ass. And if I hadn’t gone to get checked out, it could have ended up much worse.

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Universe is like, sit yo ass down girlfriend (at least that's what I tell myself when similar thing happened, ha ha ha )

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