Wow Stephanie, this is such an awesome, heartfelt article! I'm a big believer that everything happens for a reason. And you have every right to want to spend more time with your children! Plus, I think having that janitorial job was a perfect transition. Sometimes you just need a peaceful job, like you said, to focus on what the next step is. Thank you for posting this Stephanie!

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Thank you so much for reading. Many more thoughts and stories to come.

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I feel the same way, and love the relatable story she shares 🧡

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Thank you.

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Thank you for writing it, Stephanie.

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What a relatable story, as a mother with toddlers right now I could feel your emotions through this. Family should always be a priority I agree ❤️

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Thank you so much. It felt good writing about it because up until I wrote it, I had only spoken about it. I believe this is an issue many women face in the corporate space.

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May 23·edited May 23Liked by Stephanie Peers

Good for you. There were too many bully bosses out there then, and it’s a lot worse now. Most don’t know how to or shouldn’t be a boss. There comes a point when, for your own sanity, whether you like it or not, you have to walk. I have just went through it myself. I’ve never been driven by money and there are some serious adjustments I’m concerned with but it was time to move on. So, I can definitely relate to you, although I don’t have the kids to worry about like you do.

I hope my end all be all can be at least 1/2 of what yours has become. You’re definitely an inspiration. Thank you for telling your story.

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Thank you this message really felt nice to hear! I am more motivated by passion. I always like to listen to my heart, and for me it gets super uncomfortable when I know I’m not listening. But in a relationship, you have to navigate dynamics. I knew my husband was more of a logical realist whereas I’m the dreamer and always have been (and it drives him nuts because I’m also a spender, haha). So I had to take my time with it and show him that it was safe for me to jump.

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Never stop moving.

It would have also worked, quitting instantly.

But not at that time ...

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I knew it would have, but I didn’t want to put my husband in a situation where he would have to worry about finances. My income contributed significantly at that time. I wanted him to know I knew it was the right thing to do and that I could come up with a solution to at least bring in a fraction of that.

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Congrats on this big step!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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